How To Catch Crayfish

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Crayfish are small crustaceans that inhabit freshwater streams, creeks, swamps, and ponds throughout North America. Also known as crawfish or mud bugs, these aquatic creatures are sometimes harvested for food or fishing bait. Fishermen use a variety of methods to … Continued

Sucker Fishing

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Sucker fishing has gained popularity in recent years as more anglers have become familiar with these specialized fish. Suckers, carpsuckers, redhorses, quillbacks, buffalo, and other fish are members of one of North America’s most common family of freshwater fish. The … Continued

U.S. Secretaries Agree to Help Conserve Fish Habitat

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The U.S. Secretaries of Commerce, Interior, and Agriculture recently announced a joint commitment to work together to promote collaborative, science-based conservation of American waterways and fisheries. The three Federal agencies will sign an agreement to provide partnership-based conservation efforts through … Continued