South Carolina State Record White Catfish

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In June, Charles Earp of West Columbia, SC set a new South Carolina state record for white catfish. The 12-pound 2.9 oz catfish was caught on June 23, 2014 on Lake Murray, using a bait dip and treble hook.

The white catfish was certified officially as the new state record on a certified scale at Ole Timey Meat Market by Ron Ahle, regional fisheries biologist for the S.C. Department of Natural Resources (DNR) in Columbia.

In South Carolina , anglers who think they have caught a state or world record fish should take the fish as soon as possible to a set of state certified scales. Two witnesses must be present and available to sign the state affidavit form.

Photos should be taken for additional documentation and steps taken to immediately preserve the fish. This can be done by wrapping the fish in a dark plastic bag and placing the fish on ice or freezing it.

To report a state record fish, anglers must submit an Affidavit for Record Freshwater Game Fish to the DNR no more than 45 days after the catch.

source: South Carolina Department of Natural Resources