Discover WILD New Hampshire Day

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Discover WILD New Hampshire Day will be held on Saturday, April 30, 2011, from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. on the grounds of the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department at 11 Hazen Drive in Concord, N.H. Admission is free.

The event will feature live animals, fish displays, retrievers, trained falcons and other wildlife.  Other exhibits will feature environmental, conservation and outdoor organizations from around the state.

Perennial favorites are the hands-on activities, including wildlife crafts, archery,  casting, hybrid vehicle displays and other green-living, environmentally-friendly exhibits.

New for 2011 will be the “Wonders of Watersheds” exhibit from the Silvio Conte National Wildlife Refuge.

Discover WILD New Hampshire Day is co-sponsored by the New Hampshire Fish and Game Department and the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services, with support from the Wildlife Heritage Foundation of New Hampshire.

For details, visit: